CAS Autumn-Meeting: Animal and Plant-breeding
The yearly meeting of the center for agrar-sciences of BOKU looks at breeding in honor of Gregor Mendel’s 200th birthday.
200 years Gregor Mendel: Of peas, cows and people
Symposium about Science Communications with H. Bürstmayr, G. Mészáros, J. Sölker and Günther Mayr (Head ORF Science) as well as applied genetics for human, animal and plant.
Reveal of the Mendel-Bust
In connection to the 150 year anniversary of the BOKU Vienna, a Mendel bust created by Daniel Fairbanks will be revealed in the Gregor-Mendel-House of BOKU.
Hap-Pea Mendel Day
Today is international Gregor Mendel Day. My day! I’m here to give you a brief overview about this week’s events in my honor: The Mendel Walk will take place on […]